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Application of collagen colloid from chrome shavings for innovative polycondensation adhesives / Ján Sedliacik in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CVI, N° 11 (11/2011)
Titre : Application of collagen colloid from chrome shavings for innovative polycondensation adhesives Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ján Sedliacik, Auteur ; Ján Matyasovsky, Auteur ; Maria Smidriakov, Auteur ; Mariana Sedliacikovà, Auteur ; Peter Jurkovic, Auteur Année de publication : 2011 Article en page(s) : p. 332-340 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Bois -- Collage
Cuirs et peaux -- Déchets -- Recyclage
Hydrolysats de protéines
PolycondensationTags : Adhésifs 'Résine polycondensation' 'Collage bois' 'Déchromage cuir' 'Déchets Colloides 'Hydrolisat collagène 'Détermination formaldéhyde FTIR ATR 'Résistance cisaillement joints collés' 'Action eau' 'Conditions humides' Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : This research was aimed at determining the possible usefulness (ecologic, efficiency, and economic) of collagen material, after de-chroming, to modify polycondensation adhesives for application in the woodworking industry. The de-chroming technology of leather chromium waste was proposed in our previous work.1 In this work, condensation adhesives based on urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde were modified with protein hydrolysates. It is known that collagen hydrolysate of chrome-tanned leather waste added to dimethylol urea clearly limits formation of relatively unstable oxy-methylene bridges which may be regarded as potential source of formaldehyde emissions. The aim of this study was to verify the change of glue joint properties in following ways: influence of collagen hydrolysate on shear strength properties of glued joints under action of water and high humid conditions; increasing the water-resistance of glued materials, development of adhesive mixtures suitable for gluing of wood at higher moisture content, influence of collagen hydrolysate on lowering the formaldehyde emissions from wood based panels. The intended sources of protein hydrolysates were solid waste from leather production (e.g. chromium shavings and chippings, hypodermic and adipose ligament, leather chippings, gelatin production and food packing). These various analytical investigations of this study confirmed significant reduction of formaldehyde emission from wood based panels, increased water-resistance of glued materials, and conforming shear strength properties of glued joints. Application of collagen from de-chromed waste allows improvement of ecologic and economic parameters of bonding processes in the woodworking industry (e.g. eliminating of harmful effects on the environment and lowering of costs at keeping required quality). Note de contenu : - EXPERIMENTAL : Polycondensation resins - Preparation of collagen hydrolysate - Plywood preparation
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Chemical properties of UF + collagen adhesive mixtures - Shear strength of plywood samples - Formaldehyde determination by perforator and chamber method - ATR-FTIR spectral analysis - Application of leather dust as extenderEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA) > Vol. CVI, N° 11 (11/2011) . - p. 332-340[article]Réservation
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