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Assessment of visibility of facial wrinkle reduction by various types of observers / Joyce H. D. M. Westerink in IFSCC MAGAZINE, Vol. 7, N° 1 (01-02-03/2004)
Titre : Assessment of visibility of facial wrinkle reduction by various types of observers Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, Auteur Année de publication : 2004 Article en page(s) : p. 31-36 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : 'Réduction des rides' 'Douceur de peau' 'Evaluation visuelle' 'Types d'observateur' Index. décimale : 668.5 Parfums et cosmétiques Résumé : The prime objective of many facial wrinkle-reduction treatments is to achieve visible improvement. The visibility of before/after treatment differences is therefore often part of the efficacy assessment. This paper investigates whether the background knowledge of the people acting as observers in such assessments has an impact on the results, e.g., the subjects themselves are familiar with their faces, skin professionals have much experience in judging skin quality, and thus both might be more sensitive to small changes.
In a clinical study, 44 female subjects were regularly treated during a period of 12 weeks with one of three wrinkle-reduction treatments : K, L and M (placebo). Photographs were taken before treatment and after 6 and 12 weeks. Three different types of observers judged the photographs:
- Observer type I : Twenty-four lay observers were given the 0- and 6-week and the 0- and 12-week pairs of photographs of all subjects to indicate the one with the least wrinkles in a two-alternative forced-choice procedure,
- Observer type II : The subjects themselves were given the 0- and 6-week and the 0- and 12-week pairs of their own photographs (eight replications) to indicate the photograph with the least wrinkles (two-alternative forced-choice),
- Observer type III : A trained panel of skin professionals (n = 3) each gave a 9-point Fitzpatrick wrinkle-severity score for all individual 0- and 12-week photographs.
It was found that the lay observers perceived the same differences as the subjects themselves: significant improvements after 12 weeks for treatment K (P < 0.0005 and P = 0.005, respectively). No visible effects were seen for treatments L and M, but, most importantly, a significant difference between treatments K and M (placebo) (P = 0.015 and P = 0.01 for independent observers and the subjects themselves, respectively). The trained panel also identified this difference between K and M (P = 0.013) in favor of K, but here it was due to a significant deterioration over time of the ‘placebo-treated’ wrinkles (M, P = 0.03).
Thus, in conclusion, no indications were found that extra knowledge – in the form of familiarity with the own face or in the form of professional training – results in the identification of more treatments that show significantly visible wrinkle reduction.Permalink :
in IFSCC MAGAZINE > Vol. 7, N° 1 (01-02-03/2004) . - p. 31-36[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 003882 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Flow stabilization and coating thickness reduction through use of multi-slot air-knife in gas jet wiping / J. R. McDermid ; Andrew N. Hrymak ; F. E. Goodwin in JOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH, Vol. 19, N° 1 (01/2022)
Titre : Flow stabilization and coating thickness reduction through use of multi-slot air-knife in gas jet wiping Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : J. R. McDermid, Auteur ; Andrew N. Hrymak, Auteur ; F. E. Goodwin, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : p. 143-158 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Fluides, Mécanique des
Matériaux -- Epaisseur
RevêtementsTags : 'Balayage au jet de gaz' 'Réduction l'épaisseur du revêtement' 'Lame d'air multi-fentes' 'Galvanisation à chaud continue' 'Modélisation des turbulences' 'Mesures d'épaisseur Index. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : This paper investigates the gas jet wiping process, which is widely employed for controlling the final zinc-alloy coating thickness of a moving steel strip in the continuous hot-dip galvanizing process. In this study, large eddy simulation (LES) was employed to determine the effect of lower velocity symmetric auxiliary jets on main jet stabilization and coating thickness reduction during the gas jet wiping process. For validation purposes, experimental measurements of coating thickness were also carried out for the prediction of final coating thickness via a novel prototype multi-slot air knife used as the wiping actuator. Good agreement was found between the experimental measurements and model predictions for the coating weight, which also confirmed the applicability of the Elsaadawy et al.1 model for the prediction of final coating weight for the multi-slot air knife geometry used. It was found that the jet flapping observed during single jet wiping could be prevented through use of the multi-slot air knife operating with lower velocity symmetric auxiliary jets (Rea/Rem = 0.45) situated on both sides of the main jet. The auxiliary jets modified the flow field in the main jet shear layer and diminished the formation of alternating vortices, which are the main cause of jet flow oscillations. As a result, a stabilized impinging flow with a longer potential core was found for the multi-slot jet configuration. This led to increased pressure gradient and increased shear stresses in the vicinity of the wiping region and, consequently, lower coating weights were obtained through use of the multi-slot air knife compared to the conventional single slot jet. Note de contenu : - Analytical model of film thickness
- Experimental setup
- Numerical simulation
- Results and discussion
- Table 1 : Working liquid properties in the experimental facilityDOI : En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH > Vol. 19, N° 1 (01/2022) . - p. 143-158[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 23313 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Transient aspects of the polymer induces drag reduction phenomenon / Anselmo S. Pereira in RHEOLOGIE, Vol. 32 (12/2017)
Titre : Transient aspects of the polymer induces drag reduction phenomenon Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Anselmo S. Pereira, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : n. p. Note générale : Thèse accessible en ligne - Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Analyse numérique
RhéologieTags : 'Direct numerical simulation' 'T turbulent flow' 'FENE-P model' 'Réduction de la traînée' 'Transitory aspects' 'Polymer degradation' Index. décimale : 532.05 Mécanique des fluides et des liquides - Dynamique (cinétique et cinématique) Résumé : The addition of a small amount of polymers of high molecular weight can lead to a pressure drop decrease in turbulent flows. The polymers successively stretch and coil by interacting with the turbulent structures, which imposes a transient behaviour on the drag reduction (DR). As a result, DR undergoes three stages over time: A, B, and C. In stage A, DR departs from zero and assumes negative values due to a significant polymer stretching at the beginning of the process, which requires energy from the flow. After the minimum DR is reached, the polymers start their coil-stretch cycle and DR increases in response to the development of turbulent structures, achieving a maximum value, which makes for the beginning of stage B. However, during their coil-stretch cycle, polymers can be mechanically degraded as a result of an intense polymer stretching, which reduces their ability to act as energy exchange agents. Hence, when polymer degradation becomes pronounced, DR decreases until achieving a final value. The polymer degradation process characterizes the stage C. In the present work, numerical analyses are conducted aiming to investigate the stages A, B and C. The transient aspects of the polymer induced drag reduction phenomenon are explored with the aid of direct numerical simulations of turbulent plane Poiseulle and Couette flows of viscoelastic FENE-P fluids taking into account a large range of Reynolds number, Weissenberg number and maximum polymer molecule extensibility. Stages A and B are carefully studied from tensor, energy budget and spectral perspectives. A polymer scission model is developed in order to numerically reproduce the stage C. Note de contenu : - INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY
- RESULTS : The development of DR-Stage A - The DR mechanism-Stage B - The polymer degradation-Stage C
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in RHEOLOGIE > Vol. 32 (12/2017) . - n. p.[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19485 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible L'autorégulation ProDyn / Jean-René Wattel in L'INDUSTRIE TEXTILE, N° 1329 (03/2001)
Titre : L'autorégulation ProDyn Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean-René Wattel, Auteur Année de publication : 2001 Article en page(s) : p. 62-63 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Nontissés
Textiles et tissus -- Appareils et matérielsTags : Nontissés 'Système d'autorégulation' Cardage Nappage 'Réduction poids' 'Géométrie bobines multi-laizes' Index. décimale : 677.6 Tissus obtenus par des procédés spéciaux, quelle que soit leur composition : jacquard, feutres tissés et non tissés, tapisseries, tissus ajourés Résumé : Pour assurer l'homogénéité du nontissé dans le sens machine et travers, NSC Nonwovens propose son système Prodyn. L'auteur illustre par des exemples précis les avantages de ce système global d'auto-régulation. Note de contenu : - LA NECESSITE D'UN SYSTEME GLOBAL
- AVANTAGES ECONOMIQUES : DEUX EXEMPLES : Réduction du poids moyen - Amélioration de la géométrie des bobines multi-laizesPermalink :
in L'INDUSTRIE TEXTILE > N° 1329 (03/2001) . - p. 62-63[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 001147 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Design of scaffolds for biopelt from tanning sector by-products / Silvia Sorolla in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 94, N° 5 (09-10/2010)
Titre : Design of scaffolds for biopelt from tanning sector by-products Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Silvia Sorolla, Auteur ; M. Jorba, Auteur ; X. Marginet, Auteur ; Joan Carles Castell, Auteur ; Lluis Ollé, Auteur ; Anna Bacardit, Auteur Année de publication : 2010 Article en page(s) : p. 190-199 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Cuirs et peaux
Culture in vitro
Eau -- Consommation -- Réduction
Peau artificielleTags : 'Synthèse de peau artificielle' 'Culture in vitro' 'Matrice extracellulaire tridimensionnelle' Fibroblaste 'Réduction la consommation d'eau' Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : The aim of the present work is to generate by in vitro technology scale a biomaterial with similar characteristics to genuine leather. The generation of an in vitro tissue from bovine fibroblasts is carried out on the basis of a scaffold to generate a three-dimensional extra-cellular matrix (3D-ECM). Finally, the scaffolds have to be suitable for biomaterial production at lab scale using a bioreactor with specific culturing conditions. In a further step, new methodologies to stabilize the new biomaterial were investigated. The biomaterial generation involves the elimination of the heavy water consumption steps in conventional leather manufcature. Since this biopelt doesn't need to be subjected to the beamhouse steps previous to stabilization, a reduction of 50-60 % in water consumption is achieved. Consequently, pollution in wastewaters is minimized. En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC) > Vol. 94, N° 5 (09-10/2010) . - p. 190-199[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 012501 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Analyses statistiques et tensorielles de l'étirement des polymères dans les écoulements viscoélastiques turbulents en canal plan / A. S. Pereira in RHEOLOGIE, Vol. 27 (06/2015)
PermalinkArtocarpus lakoocha heartwood extract as a novel cosmetic ingredient : evaluation of the in vitro anti-tyrosinase and in vivo skin whitening activities / P. Tengamnuay in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE, Vol. 28, N° 4 (08/2006)
PermalinkDurability of a drag reducing solution / V. Mik in APPLIED RHEOLOGY, Vol. 18, N° 1 (2008)
PermalinkInjection molding of water containing thermoplastic polyolefin / R. Mulyana in INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING, Vol. XXVII, N° 1 (03/2012)
PermalinkMise en forme de composites. Vers une simulation avancée / Brice Bognet in REVUE DES COMPOSITES ET DES MATERIAUX AVANCES, Vol. 21, N° 1 (01-02-03-04/2011)
PermalinkModification de la structure des suspensions de fibres à l'apparition des tourbillons de Taylor / B. Nsom in LES CAHIERS DE RHEOLOGIE, Vol. XIV, N° 1 (09/1995)
PermalinkPresaturated wipes reduce VOC emissions / Emilie Champagne in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 59 (08-09/2010)
PermalinkRéduire la pilosité / Andreas Hellwig in L'INDUSTRIE TEXTILE, N° 1330 (04/2001)
PermalinkSolving injection molded part warpage under asymmetric mold cooling conditions by corrugated variations in part thickness / S. C. Chen in INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING, Vol. XXVII, N° 1 (03/2012)
PermalinkSustainable production pays off / Thomas Schwachulla in KUNSTSTOFFE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 102, N° 1 (01/2012)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAnything but superficial / Maximilian Schöngart in KUNSTSTOFFE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 104, N° 1 (01/2014)
PermalinkComplex recipes handled flexibly and precisely / Gregor Karrenberg in KUNSTSTOFFE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 104, N° 1 (01/2014)
PermalinkPermalinkPreparation and characterization of pillared derivatives from d-layered sodium disilicate and their tribological properties in liquid paraffin / Yilei Fu in TENSIDE, SURFACTANTS, DETERGENTS, Vol. 48, N° 1/2010 (01-02/2011)
PermalinkProcessing technology for the rapid production of advanced composites / Andrew Sharpe in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 64 (04/2011)
PermalinkResins and processes that reduce styrene emissions / Hervé Bindi in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 6 (01/2004)
PermalinkTowards the on-line qualification of carbon preforms produced by AFP / Mylène Deléglise in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 57 (05/2010)
PermalinkVacuum conveying reduces operating costs in KUNSTSTOFFE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 102, N° 1 (01/2012)
PermalinkWhen constraints create extra value / Dave Wasteway in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 6 (01/2004)