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50 percent reduction in material use in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 13, N° 1 (2020)
Titre : 50 percent reduction in material use Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : p. 10-11 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Peinture au pistolet
Produits chimiques -- Consommation -- Réduction
Pulvérisation électrostatique
Revêtements -- Appareils et matériels:Peinture -- Appareils et matérielsIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : The technology company ZF has invested in an effective, resource-efficient electrostatic paint system for use in the reconditioning of used clutches. The new equipment has enabled it to reduce its material consumption significantly and also to improve the quality of its coatings and the reliability of its processes. Note de contenu : - Individual configuration
- Installed in only one day
- Fig. 1 : The interior of the automatic equipment showing the pump and the drum lid with the agitator, which is powered by compressed air
- Fig. 2 : Automatic electrostatic spray guns in the coatingPermalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=35074
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > Vol. 13, N° 1 (2020) . - p. 10-11[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 21892 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible
Titre : Beneteau optimizes the infusion process Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 28-29 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bateaux -- Conception et construction
Composites à fibres de verre -- Moulage par infusion
Produits chimiques -- Consommation -- RéductionIndex. décimale : 668.4 Plastiques, vinyles Résumé : In collaboration with Beneteau Group, Chomara developed the G-FLOW TM 980L reinforcement for boat production using the infusion process. This product combines mechanical performance, permeability and isotropy. Note de contenu : - An innovative structure with multiple benefits
- An environment-friendly solution
- Democratizing the infusion process
- Fig. 1 : 1:G-FLOW TM 980 L
- Fig. 2 : Resin feed channels
- Fig. 3 : Mechanical performance of G-FLOW TM
- Fig. 4 : Beneteau First YachtEn ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVRab_cILuppzvIEdyiYuBiDNcSqu-WC/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=35703
in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE > N° 138 (01-02/2021) . - p. 28-29[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22573 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Bisphenol reduction in syntans and examples for extraction and migration of bisphenols from leather articles / Jochen Ammenn in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CXIX, N° 5 (05/2024)
Titre : Bisphenol reduction in syntans and examples for extraction and migration of bisphenols from leather articles Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jochen Ammenn, Auteur Année de publication : 2024 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Bisphénol F
Bisphénol S
Extraction (chimie)
Produits chimiques -- Consommation -- Réduction
Produits chimiques -- Migration
SyntansIndex. décimale : 675.2 Préparation du cuir naturel. Tannage Résumé : Bisphenol S and F play a major role in the synthesis of syntans. Bisphenol S can be a starting material or undesired side product, while bisphenol F can form as an undesired side product. They can be found in basically all syntans in a range from close to the detection limit up to several thousand parts per million and can be detected in most leather articles by extraction or by migration. In an initiative by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to drastically reduce bisphenols in consumer goods and in the environment, challenging limits were proposed in 2022. These limits would have had a strong impact on syntan portfolios of the leather chemical manufacturers and on many leather articles. After a public a consultation, ECHA has temporarily withdrawn the restriction proposal and wants to re-work it. Examples for reductions of both bisphenols in leather chemicals and the impact on extractions and migration from leather articles down to detection limits will be outlined in this article. Note de contenu : - Examples of bisphenol reductions in syntans
- Extraction results of bisphenols from re-tanned leather
- Migration results of bisphenols from leather re-tanned with syntans 2 and 2.LB
- Table 1 : BPS and BPF in syntan 1
- Table 2 : Extraction from leathers made with 3 types of syntan 1 in re-tanning (6%)
- Table 3 : Repeated extraction from leathers made with 6% syntan 1 in re-tanning
- Table 4 : Extraction results from leathers made with phenolic syntan 2 and 3 in re-tanning ; values measured internal, as well as at the FILK (Freiberg) and PFI (Pirmasens) institutes
- Table 5 : Results of BosC’s migration from leathers made with phenolic syntan 2 and 2.LB measured at PFI instituteDOI : https://doi.org/10.34314/40d3q167 En ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W9ngTDzNHLbfF6xxpUF863GJD47DTsIk/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=40977
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 24675 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Changing to powder improves quality and efficiency in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 13, N° 1 (2020)
Titre : Changing to powder improves quality and efficiency Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : p. 18-21 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Ateliers de peinture industrielle
Coût -- Contrôle
Produits chimiques -- Consommation -- Réduction
Revêtements poudre
Système de changement de couleurIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : The move from liquid to powder coating with dense phase technology permanently increases the efficiency of the coating processes and reduces its environmental impact. At the British storage and shelving company Link 51, a new coating system of this kind has led to greater flexibility and high-quality surfaces Note de contenu : - Fast colour changes with lower costs
- Start-up four days ahead of schedule
- Operating the new application
- Coating costs halved
- Fig. 1 : Link 51, a British supplier of storage, pallet racking and shelving solutions, has invested in a powder coating booth that uses dense phase technology
- Fig. 2 : When the new powder coating system came into operation, there was a reduction in the amount of VOC emissions, overspray and sludge being produced
- An intuitive control system makes the operator's job easier and simplifies colour changesPermalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=35078
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > Vol. 13, N° 1 (2020) . - p. 18-21[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 21892 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible
Titre : Chemical efficiency Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Karl Flowers, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 36-40 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Cuirs et peaux -- Industrie -- Aspect de l'environnement
Gaspillage -- Lutte contre
Produits chimiques -- Consommation -- Réduction
Solutions (chimie)
Transfert de masseIndex. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : A practical manner on how tanneries can reduce the chemicals they use is a constant area of interest. Many tanneries actively practice research, development and innovation to do this. To remind readers of why this is important, it is useful to remember that a tannery's function is to make leather and it is not there to feed an effluent plant. The management of the tannery should make it a high priority to favour the principle that the chemistry should go into the leather and should not simply go down the drain.
The UNIDO position has often estimated the amount of input chemistry (per tonne) of materials as -400-500 kg. It also reports the estimate of wasted chemistry as -380 kg (Buljan and ICre, 2015). By best estimates, that is 75-95% of the chemicals added that are wasted - incredible.Note de contenu : - Why ?
- Mass transfer
- Solvatation and mass transfer
- Fig. 1 : Inefficient chemical processes
- Fig. 2 : Efficient chemical processes
- Fig. 3 : Mass transfer
- Fig. 4 : Solute (in solution) + leather (wetted)En ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UbIP91L9uugKYOSP5mBrrk7bYcUGyaEc/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=36156
in INTERNATIONAL LEATHER MAKER (ILM) > N° 48 (07-08/2021) . - p. 36-40[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22832 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Cleaner chrome tanning - technology of chrome-reduced tanning without salt, pickling and short procedure / Luo Jian-Xun in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 103, N° 6 (11-12/2019)
PermalinkA cleaner method for low-chrome tanning with no-salt pickling / Lu Cui in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 101, N° 5 (09-10/2017)
PermalinkCleaning and pre-treatment of machine components / Ralf Dürr-Krouzilek in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 6, N° 3 (2013)
PermalinkClimate-friendly spray system for very high solid coatings in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 14, N° 1 (2021)
PermalinkDense phase technology combined with robot precision in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 13, N° 2 (2020)
PermalinkEnvironmental assessment of dehydration processes for bovine leather / Grau Baquero in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CXII, N° 3 (03/2017)
PermalinkEnzymatic membrane reactor for eco-friendly goat skin unhairing / A. Cassano in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 84, N° 5 (09-10/2000)
Permalink"Formaldehyde-free leather" - a realistic objective ? / Renate Meyndt in WORLD LEATHER, Vol. 18, N° 4 (06-07/2005)
PermalinkFrom manual to robotic coating processes in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 9, N° 2 (2016)
PermalinkHow paint quality impacts carbon footprint / Steven de Backer in EUROPEAN COATINGS JOURNAL (ECJ), N° 1 (01/2022)
PermalinkImproved chrome utilisation in chrome tanning / William C. Prentiss in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 66 (Année 1982)
PermalinkImproving quality and reducing maintenance in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 12, N° 1 (2019)
PermalinkInteraction of aldehyde developed from amino acids of tannery waste in a lower - chrome tannage an eco-friendly approach / James Kanagaraj in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 89, N° 1 (01-02/2005)
PermalinkInverse chrome tanning technology : A practical approach to minimizing Cr(III) discharge / Yue Yu in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CXV, N° 5 (05/2020)
PermalinkMenu-controlled colour changes for increased safety / J. Wagner in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 10, N° 2 (2017)