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Carbon dioxide spray cleaning for modern manufacturing / David Jackson in ADHESIVES & SEALANTS INDUSTRY (ASI), Vol. 24, N° 1 (01/2017)
Titre : Carbon dioxide spray cleaning for modern manufacturing : precision cleaning with CO2 provides significant cost-of-ownership, environmental and performance benefits Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : David Jackson, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Adhésifs dans les équipements électriques/électroniques
Dioxyde de carbone
Nettoyage par pulvérisationIndex. décimale : 668.3 Adhésifs et produits semblables Note de contenu : - CO2 Spray cleaning
- New-generation technology
- Applications and performance
- FIGURES : 1. Components of a CO2 composite spray cleaning system - 2. CO2 composite spray process - 3. CO2 composite spray generation - 4. Micronized CO2 composites spray process
- 5. Illuminating the spray plume with bright white light reveals a uniform distribution of micronized particlesEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Web Permalink :
in ADHESIVES & SEALANTS INDUSTRY (ASI) > Vol. 24, N° 1 (01/2017)[article]Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire
Titre : Dry cleaning can favor adhesion Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : p. 30-31 Langues : Multilingue (mul) Catégories : Adhésion
Dioxyde de carbone
Matières plastiques -- Revêtement:Matières plastiques -- Peinture
Nettoyage à sec
Nettoyage par pulvérisation
Surfaces -- NettoyageIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : Before coating, more and more plastic parts are being cleaned by the CO2 snow jet technology. Advantages of this dry procedure are among others cost, space and resources savings. Note de contenu : - Dry cleaning
- Fully automated operation
- Fig. 1 : Liquid CO2 is fed through a non-wearing two-component nozzle an dexpands on exiting to form fine CO2 crystals, which are bundled by a circular jacketed jet of compressed air. This technology ensures consistent cleaning results
- Fig. 2 : All process parameters can be precisely matched to the respective part to be painted and the effective range of the nozzle array automatically scaled according to the geometry of the workpiece. These data can be filed in the control system as cleaning programs
- Fig. 3 : The cleaning process is very similar to the painting process with robots, enabling almost identical programming solutions to be used
- Fig. 4 : The cleaning process can be easily integrated into the painting line, as well as controlled by a production control systemEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in ADHESION - ADHESIVES + SEALANTS > Vol. 16, N° 2/2019 (2019) . - p. 30-31[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 20998 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible A novel approach of removing externally attached debris from animal carcass to ensure meat safety and byproduct quality / Majher I. Sarker in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CXVII, N° 3 (03/2022)
Titre : A novel approach of removing externally attached debris from animal carcass to ensure meat safety and byproduct quality Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Majher I. Sarker, Auteur ; Cheng-Kung Liu, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : p. 96-103 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Bactéries -- Comptage
Carcasses -- Décontamination
Cuirs et peaux -- Propriétés mécaniques
Cuirs et peaux de bovins
Formulation (Génie chimique)
Nettoyage par pulvérisation
Peaux brutes -- Nettoyage
StatistiqueIndex. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : In this study, a formulation and technique are developed to be used for cattle carcass decontamination prior to removal of hide in a commercially preferred time-frame to ensure meat safety and byproduct quality. This formulation offers deep cleaning on carcass surface by removing debris including manure/mud balls which are firmly attached to the hair of animal hide harboring pathogens like Salmonella and Escherichia coli. Survival of such pathogens can facilitate cross-contamination of the underlying meat and meat-processing equipment in the packing plant posing a challenge to the meat industry as well as public-health. Also, the attached adobe type mud/manure balls have potential to create holes on the hide during leather processing which degrades byproduct’s quality. Formulation was sprayed on cattle’s hide and the attached debris were brushed off from the surface. The formulation was found very efficient in cleaning the hide surface both at 5 and 8 min treatments. The highest of aerobic, Escherichia coli and Salmonella populations were reduced by 8.71, 3.63 and 3.19 Log CFU/50 in 2 , respectively when compared to water-wash. The efficacy of formulation can be optimized by adjusting its concentration and treatment time. Post-leather analysis showed no detrimental impact on byproduct caused by the formulation. Note de contenu : - MATERIALS AND METHODS : Hide preparation - Preparation of decontamination formulation - Spray treatment on bovine hide panels - Manure/mud balls removing protocol - Microbial testing - Leather and quality evaluation - Statistical analysis
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Efficacy of formulation in reducing bacterial population from hide surface - Aerobic bacteria colony count - Escherichia coli colony count - Salmonella colony count - Post-leather analysis
- Table 1 : Composition of carcass decontamination formulation
- Table 2 : Survival of nature-borne bacteria (Aerobic, escherichia coli and Salmonella) on bovine hide panels following the debris removing treatment
- Table 3 : Mechanical properties of crush leather panels produced from water (control) and formulation treated hide piecesDOI : En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA) > Vol. CXVII, N° 3 (03/2022) . - p. 96-103[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 23402 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Perfect for increasing standards of cleanliness in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), N° 2/2008 (2008)
Titre : Perfect for increasing standards of cleanliness : Cleaning precision turned parts Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2008 Article en page(s) : p. 42-43 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Automobiles -- Pièces
Nettoyage industriel -- Appareils et matériels
Nettoyage par pulvérisation
Pièces usinées -- NettoyageIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : A supplier of precision turned parts chose a comprehensive cleaning system to ensure that its customers' challenging cleanliness requirements could ne met both now and in future. The customised system includes a plant for cleaning batches of parts with hydrocarbon solvents and a continuous process spray machine using water-based cleaning agents for integration into a fully automated production line. Note de contenu : - Cleaning and anti-corrosion treatment for up to 45 tonnes of parts every day
- Cleaning gearboxes components during the production processPermalink :
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > N° 2/2008 (2008) . - p. 42-43[article]Réservation
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Exemplaires (2)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 010960 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible 011262 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Practical application of a silicate- and borate-free cleaning system / Werner Rentsch in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 10, N° 1 (2017)
Titre : Practical application of a silicate- and borate-free cleaning system Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Werner Rentsch, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : p. 44-45 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Acier L'acier est un alliage métallique utilisé dans les domaines de la construction métallique et de la construction mécanique.
L'acier est constitué d'au moins deux éléments, le fer, très majoritaire, et le carbone, dans des proportions comprises entre 0,02 % et 2 % en masse1.
C'est essentiellement la teneur en carbone qui confère à l'alliage les propriétés du métal qu'on appelle "acier". Il existe d’autres métaux à base de fer qui ne sont pas des aciers comme les fontes et les ferronickels par exemple.
Automobiles -- Matériaux
Essais accélérés (technologie)
Essais dynamiques
Métaux -- Nettoyage
Nettoyage par pulvérisation
pHIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : A German car manufacturer has converted its pre-treatment process to a new silicate- and borate-free cleaning technology. In addition to the sustainability of the product, its other benefits include improved performance and ease of use. Note de contenu : - Fig. 1. The new Gardoclean S 5411 cleaning technology produces better results than a standard automotive industry cleaner in particular on galvanised steel
- Fig. 2. The lab test shows that in comparison with a standard cleaning agent the new product has much higher pH stability
- Fig. 3. In the salt spray test, the borate-free product, with an average creepage figure of 0.3 mm, performs much better than standard cleaners
- Fig. 4. The filiform test, a specific autootive industry standard, also shows significantly lower creepage on ground aluminium substrate
- Fig. 5. The results of outdoor weathering tests on cold-rolled-steelEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > Vol. 10, N° 1 (2017) . - p. 44-45[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 18796 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Precision cleaning of engine parts in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 7, N° 3 (2014)