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Advantage of evaluating coatings in a real-world manufacturing environment / Douglas Corrigan in COATINGS TECH, Vol. 15, N° 10 (10/2018)
Titre : Advantage of evaluating coatings in a real-world manufacturing environment Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Douglas Corrigan, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : p. 26-32 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Essais (technologie)
Revêtements -- Application-dosage:Peinture -- Application-dosage
Système de pulvérisation (technologie)
Technique des plasmasTags : Revêtement Evaluation 'Environnement réel' Index. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : This article outlines an unmet industry need for formulators to conduct robust testing of their coatings products in real-world or simulated environments that closely resemble an OEM facility’s environmental and processing conditions as coatings are applied and cured. The illustrative examples provided in this article are not hypothetical but are based on actual OEM and end-user processes, widely available coatings products, and current market dynamics.
Application and curing dynamics of paints for factory and field-applied coatings are rarely quantified by coatings practitioners over a wide range of climactic and factory-specific conditions; yet, this information is critical to the long-term performance of the coating in global markets.Note de contenu : - Consolidation's role
- Aerospace production shuts down when weather changes
- Pretreatment of automotive plastic parts (application window deviations)
- Effects of part geometry on powder coating curing dynamics
- Spray dynamics : Droplet dynamics - Transfer efficiency dynamics
- Fig. 1 : Humidity and temperature ranges in the United States (2008)
- Fig. 2 : Effects of RH and T on the free surface energy of plastic part after plasma pretreatment
- Fig. 3 : Key parameters in spray dynamics
- Fig. 4 : Psychometric testing matrixEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink :
in COATINGS TECH > Vol. 15, N° 10 (10/2018) . - p. 26-32[article]Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 20636 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Application of two-component epoxy intumescent coatings for passive fire protection / Eric P. Rennerfeldt in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL), Vol. 34, N° 1 (01/2017)
Titre : Application of two-component epoxy intumescent coatings for passive fire protection Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Eric P. Rennerfeldt, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Dépôt par pulvérisation
Intumescence (chimie)
Protection passive contre l'incendiela protection passive contre l’incendie dans les bâtiments est essentiellement préventive. Elle représente l’ensemble des mesures constructives permettant à un ouvrage ou une partie d’ouvrage de résister à un incendie pendant un temps prédéterminé fixé par la réglementation de construction en vigueur pour le type de bâtiment concerné. Ces mesures sont destinées à : stopper la progression des fumées, éviter la propagation des flammes, maintenir la stabilité au feu des éléments de structure le plus longtemps possible malgré l’action d’un incendie, contenir les effets thermiques le plus longtemps possible à la zone sinistrée.
La principale spécificité de la protection passive est que dès le début d’un incendie, elle fonctionne sans aucune intervention humaine ni aucun apport extérieur d’énergie.
C’est une protection durable, l’efficacité de la plupart des produits utilisés dans la protection passive n’étant pas limitée dans le temps.
Les principaux moyens de la protection passive sont : Pour les structures, le flocage, l’encoffrement, les peintures ou enduits intumescents… Pour le compartimentage, les parois, les portes coupe-feu, les calfeutrements coupe-feu de pénétration de câbles et de tuyaux, les cheminements techniques protégés...
Revêtements -- Application-dosage:Peinture -- Application-dosage
Revêtements bi-composant:Peinture bi-composant
Système de pulvérisation (technologie)Index. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : There is a growing demand to use plural-component proportioning equipment to spray 100-percent-solids coatings, which are usually high in viscosity and composed of materials that make them compressible during application. This article explains the more technical aspects of plural-component proportioning, discussing the different technologies and how each handles 100-percent-solids spray coatings. Note de contenu : - Positive displacement proportioning by volume
- Why are compressible materials difficult to proportion ?
- How do compressible materials affect mechanically linked proportioners ?
- Ratio checking and spray process using mechanically linked proportioners
- Benefits of dosing technology : How does it cope with compresibility ?
- Ratio assurance using dosing proportioners
- FIGURES : 1. Fill stroke. Lower ball check is open, piston ball check is closed. The pump must be fully loaded on the up-stroke in a positive displacement pump for metering applications. Green is high pressure, blue is low pressure - 2. Metering by volume. Fluid must be incompressible or fully compressed. The center image shows part of the stroke being used to compress the fluid up to outlet pressure - 3. Inlet fluid pressure should not exceed 25 percent of the outlet pressure to prevent sluggish ball checking in metering applications - 4. Material feeds from ram pumps into a heated, agitated, pressurized tank for conditioning. This process is necessary for metering and spraying without interruptions, even when changing pails - 5. Radar level change in volume versus pressure. Chart reads gallons of resin as feed tank pressure increases. After being agitated under pressure, the level of material in the tank can change by over five gallons after air is mixed in under pressure. The change in fluid volume is a result of the compression of the air which has been mixed in with the fluid - 6. Percent of air volume versus gauge pressure. Percent of air volume left from atmospheric pressure as gauge pressure is increased. Based on standard volumetric compression of air under pressure according to Boyle’s Law - 7. Fixed ratio (mechanically linked) proportioner. For 1:1, there are often two lowers. For odd-ratios, three lowers are common - 8. On dosing proportioners, separate pumps with linear sensors and pressure transducers are used for A and B materials. Metering valves open and close to control ratio. Material can be pre-compressed in each pump before creating the ratio. The electronic controls check to find any leaks in the metering pumps or dosing valvesEn ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : Web Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL) > Vol. 34, N° 1 (01/2017)[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 18666 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Assuring good results with plural-component spray / Caleb Meacham in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL), Vol. 32, N° 4 (04/2015)
Titre : Assuring good results with plural-component spray Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Caleb Meacham, Auteur Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : p. 23-29 Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Revêtements -- Application-dosage:Peinture -- Application-dosage
Système de pulvérisation (technologie)
VaporisateursIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : Most plural-component spray operators are familiar with using and maintaining positive displacement pumps. A positive displacement, or fixed ratio pump, traps a fixed amount of fluid inside the pump body and discharges it down a high-pressure paint pose. This is a reciprocating style of positive displacement and is used in the majority of two-component (2K) airless spray equipment.
Electronic variable ratio (EVR) pumps are a more advanced technology but they require more operational and maintenance knowledge. This article will provide information about eliminating some potential problems when using EVR pumps.Permalink :
in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL) > Vol. 32, N° 4 (04/2015) . - p. 23-29[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 17192 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Audi adopts "overspray-free painting" in series production in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 14, N° 1 (2021)
Titre : Audi adopts "overspray-free painting" in series production Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 18-19 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Automobiles -- Revêtements:Automobiles -- Peinture
Revêtements -- Application-dosage:Peinture -- Application-dosage
Revêtements -- Finition:Peinture -- FinitionIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : Two-color paint finishes have always been a very time-consuming and material-intensive process due to the use of conventional paint atomizers and the resulting overspray. Audi AG has become the first car manufacturer to introduce overspray-free painting in series production, enabling it to apply two different colors in the same painting process. Note de contenu : - Two colors - one painting process
- Millimeter-precise application
- Fig. 1 : Overspray-free painting is revolutionizing the time-consuming and material-intensive process of two-color finishing
- Fig. 2 : OFLA technology enables two colors to be applied in a single painting process
- Fig. 3 : The paint is applied to the vehicle body in 5 cm wide strips with millimeter precision and without oversprayPermalink :
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > Vol. 14, N° 1 (2021) . - p. 18-19[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22610 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Automated painting with 16 robots in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 14, N° 2 (2021)
Titre : Automated painting with 16 robots Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 12-13 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Ateliers de peinture industrielle
Industries aérospatiales
Malaxeurs et mélangeurs
Revêtements -- Application-dosage:Peinture -- Application-dosage
Robots industrielsIndex. décimale : 667.6 Peintures Résumé : The aerospace company Turkish Aerospace is currently building one of the most modern production facilities in the aerospace industry. In the automated paint shops for 50 different components, water-borne and solvent-based 2C and 3C paints are metered and mixed directly in the 16 robots - economically and with high precision. Note de contenu : - Highest requirements for coating
- Predestined for large areas and tight spaces
- Programming with DXQ software
- Cooperation with general contractor
- Fig. 1 : In the future, paints robots will be able to automatically paint more than 50 different aircraft components
- Fig. 2 : The system meters and mixes all three of the necessary components, which means that th eincompatible water-borne and solvent-based paints can be processed directly in the robot itself without coming into contact with each otherPermalink :
in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST) > Vol. 14, N° 2 (2021) . - p. 12-13[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22861 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible L'avenir de la peinture automobile in GALVANO ORGANO, N° 901 (09/2022)
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PermalinkEfficient and productive process for painting gearboxes in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 11, N° 2 (2018)
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PermalinkFully automated, cost-effective painting processes / Marc Gijbels in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 10, N° 3 (2017)
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PermalinkPermalinkLong-term reduction in VOC and paint consumption / Marc Gijbels in INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TECHNOLOGY (IST), Vol. 7, N° 3 (2014)