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Cargo tank coatings - a stressful environment / Trevor Parry in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL), Vol. 30, N° 3 (03/2013)
Titre : Cargo tank coatings - a stressful environment Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Trevor Parry, Auteur ; Bill Woods, Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : p. 26-37 Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Absorption
Citernes -- Revêtements protecteurs
Contraintes (mécanique)
Contraintes thermiques
Navires marchands -- Cargaisons
Réservoirs (récipients) -- revêtements protecteurs
Réticulation (polymérisation)
Revêtement -- Séchage
Silicate de zincIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : Marine cargo tank coatings under a variety of stresses during their service lifetime. If the stresses are not considered at the design and development stages, they can lead to premature failure and costly replacement. This article identifies these stresses and considers how they relate to coatings failure. Illustrations of typical coating failures are also included. Note de contenu : - Cargo tank coatings
- Inorganic zinc silicates
- Organic cargo tank coatings
- DRYING AND INITIAL : Curing stresses - Post-curing stresses - Operational stresses
- Impact of cargoes, cargo resistance, and cargo cycling
- Absorption and desorption of cargoes
- Cargo interaction
- Tank cleaning
- Temperature changesPermalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=18789
in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL) > Vol. 30, N° 3 (03/2013) . - p. 26-37[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 14951 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Cargo tanks protection in PROTECTIVE COATINGS EUROPE (PCE), Vol. 4, N° 3 (07-08-09/2012)
Titre : Cargo tanks protection Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2012 Article en page(s) : p. 20-22 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Anticorrosion
Citernes -- Revêtements protecteurs
Droit maritime
Pétrole -- Stockage
PétroliersIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : In this article we take a look at the new IMO regulations for the protection of cargo tanks in crude oil carriers. Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=16895
in PROTECTIVE COATINGS EUROPE (PCE) > Vol. 4, N° 3 (07-08-09/2012) . - p. 20-22[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 14088 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Fight the phenol / John Myers in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL), Vol. 36, N° 1 (01/2019)
Titre : Fight the phenol : baked phenolic railcar linings for extended service Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : John Myers, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : p. 56-57 Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Anticorrosifs
Citernes -- Revêtements protecteurs
Résistance chimiqueIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Note de contenu : - Fig. 1 : A baked phenolic lining applied to the interior of a phenol-carrying tank car has protected the underlying substrate from both corrosion and chemical attack for 24 years, passing two different inspection cycles. Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=31935
in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL) > Vol. 36, N° 1 (01/2019) . - p. 56-57[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 20635 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Interior coatings and linings in steel tank cars / Jim Molnar in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL), Vol. 34, N° 6 (06/2017)
Titre : Interior coatings and linings in steel tank cars : Evolution of stewardship Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jim Molnar, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : p. 28-35 Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Citernes -- Revêtements protecteurs
Entretien et réparations
Métaux -- Revêtements protecteurs
Revêtements -- Défauts:Peinture -- Défauts
Revêtements organiquesIndex. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : As long as railroad tank car interiors have been coated or lined to preclude interaction of their contents with the steel vessel, there have been multiple approaches to the stewardship of the lining. (In rail-industry parlance, the word “lining” is often used to refer to both interior coatings [spray-applied] and interior linings [applied in sheets].) Since the adoption of regulations that require systematic assessment and maintenance of linings under certain conditions, a consensual mindset and practices have gradually evolved in the industry. This article explores that evolution including past and present norms. Note de contenu : - Corrosive cargo
- The tipping point
- New rules arise
- The state of stewardship today
- Additional thoughts
- Looking ahead
Fig. 1. Photo of the first interior-coated tank car
Fig. 2. An interior coating for food service exposure
Fig. 3 (left). Some coating distress is due simply to mechanically-inflicted damage. Fig. 4 (right): A spontaneous breach in a medium-film epoxy leads to rapid pitting corrosion
Fig. 5.Tank car qualification block decal showing lining tested and test due dates
Fig. 6. If railroad tank car coatings are not diligently examined and maintained, the tank shell can be reduced in thickness or even perforated
Fig. 7 (left). The reasons for a spontaneous coating failure may never be entirely understood, but addressing the condition promptly will prevent consequent tank distress. Fig. 8 (right): The “heel” left behind in a tank car bottom may be especially damaging to an interior coating
Fig. 9. On rare occasions, a commodity/coating pairing may turn out to be wholly inadequate
Fig. 10. Some ladings separate into two or more distinct layers in transit, each of which may act in a different way on the coating
Fig. 11. Existing "nuisance" corrosion can shorten the life of even the best-applied subsequent coating
Fig. 12. Topcoat of a two-coat, thin-film system sloughing off, exposing a still-functioning first coatEn ligne : http://www.paintsquare.com/archive/?fuseaction=view&articleid=6084 Format de la ressource électronique : Web Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=29191
in JOURNAL OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS & LININGS (JPCL) > Vol. 34, N° 6 (06/2017) . - p. 28-35[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19068 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Specialised dangerous goods tanks for the transport of highly corrosive chemicals in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE, N° 107 (08-09/2016)
Titre : Specialised dangerous goods tanks for the transport of highly corrosive chemicals Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : p. 43-45 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Camions -- Matériaux
Citernes -- Revêtements protecteurs
Composites à fibres de carbone
Composites thermoplastiques
Copolymère vinyle ester
Matériaux -- Allègement
Résistance chimique
Substances dangereuses -- TransportIndex. décimale : 668.4 Plastiques, vinyles Résumé : Omni Tanker designs and manufactures composite road tankers for the transport of corrosive chemicals. Omni Tanker developed the A and AB road tankers specifically for highly corrosive chemicals. Note de contenu : - Thermoplastic and thermoset materials
- Low weight and chemical resistance
- A high-quality tank liner
- Chemical transportEn ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JbOY9rkCgkejPg-6v9ZALUHq7ORx6s2f/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=27775
in JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE > N° 107 (08-09/2016) . - p. 43-45[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 18289 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible The issues with PSOC / Matt E. Lowe in PROTECTIVE COATINGS EUROPE (PCE), Vol. 4, N° 3 (07-08-09/2012)