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Auteur Sun Shiyu |
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Controlling Cr(VI) in leather : A review from passive prevention to stabilization of chromium complexes / Chen Jing in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CXII, N° 7 (07/2017)
Titre : Controlling Cr(VI) in leather : A review from passive prevention to stabilization of chromium complexes Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Chen Jing, Auteur ; Zhou Nan, Auteur ; Wuyong Chen, Auteur ; Sun Shiyu, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : p. 250-257 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Cuir -- Teneur en chrome hexavalent
Cuir -- Teneur en chrome trivalent
Stabilisants (chimie)Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : The Cr(VI) content in leather has garnered much attention in today's world of increasingly stringent environmental and safety regulations. In addition, the European Union (EU) countries have zero tolerance policies. For chromium-tanned leather, there is a risk of converting trivalent chromium into the hexavalent form in the processes of production, storage, transportation and usage. In this article, the routes for the occurrence of Cr(VI) are briefly analyzed, and the various types of Cr(VI) control technologies in leather manufacturing processes are reviewed. One control technology is passive PREVENTION, which could inhibit the hexavalent chromium to some extent through the addition of antioxidants and reducing agents, but it might not fundamentally solve the hexavalent problem. In contrast, CONSOLIDATION technologies to improve the stabilization of chromium complexes could play critical and responsible roles to effectively prevent the emergence of hexavalent chromium in leather. Several proposals are addressed for the control of Cr(VI) in leather, and CONSOLIDATION technology is determined to be more important than PREVENTION technology. In addition, a new viewpoint is presented to completely solve the problem based on the stability of Cr3+ complexes. Taking the amount of Cr(VI) as a quantitative indicator, the mechanisms and key technologies for the effect of specific coordinating compounds (ligands) on the stability of Cr3+ to prevent Cr(VI) formation would be recommended for further study toward. Note de contenu : - PASSIVE PREVENTION OF CR(VI) : Sulfur compounds and small molecule phenols - Vegetal tanning extracts - Other natural polymers
- STABILIZATION OF CHROMIUM COMPLEXES : Small molecule compounds - High-molecular-weight polymers - OthersEn ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mYL7N8y2yVBPby2QOd5E34CzIFGOwrbS/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=28823
in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA) > Vol. CXII, N° 7 (07/2017) . - p. 250-257[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 19155 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Identification of fur species by DNA barcoding based on 16S rRNA gene / Fangfang Qin in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 100, N° 6 (11-12/2016)
Titre : Identification of fur species by DNA barcoding based on 16S rRNA gene Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Fangfang Qin, Auteur ; Sun Shiyu, Auteur ; Zongliang Chen, Auteur ; Yuluan Wu, Auteur ; Delian Wang, Auteur ; Yanping Xian, Auteur ; Hao Dong, Auteur ; Bin Wang, Auteur ; Li Wang, Auteur Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : p. 298-303 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ADN
Extraction (chimie)
Fourrures -- Identification
Marqueurs génétiques
Réaction en chaîne par polyméraseIndex. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : Traditional identification of fur species is a problem ; without unified standards il depends significantly on the experience of the tester. In this study, we cleveloped a.method of identification of fur species by DNA barcoding based on 16S rRNA gene. 18 usuel fur species sequences of 165 rRNA gene were obtained from Genebank and primers for PCR were designed in the conserved ragions. By the optimization of experimental procedure, polymerase chain reaction (PC R) can be successfully performed with DNA isolated from fur. Sequence analyses of the -240bp production of PCR could help us to authenticate the fur species accurately. Note de contenu : - Reference materials and samples
- DNA extraction
- Primer designing
- PCR and DNA sequencingEn ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHUj5KyzEZUcgu-BSqYngLtKVARJqchd/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=27665
in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC) > Vol. 100, N° 6 (11-12/2016) . - p. 298-303[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 18546 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible The influence of research of leather's ecological properties on its products - Eco-design / Chen Jing in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 98, N° 6 (11-12/2014)
Titre : The influence of research of leather's ecological properties on its products - Eco-design Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Chen Jing, Auteur ; Baozhen Cheng, Auteur ; Sun Shiyu, Auteur ; Zhang Xiaolei, Auteur Année de publication : 2014 Article en page(s) : p. 275-284 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bilan des émissions de gaz à effets de serre
Cuirs et peaux -- Aspect de l'environnement
Durée de vie (Ingénierie)
Environnement -- Etudes d'impact
Evaluation du risque
Produits commerciaux -- Cycle de vie
Sacs à main
Substances dangereuses -- Evaluation du risqueIndex. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : Ecodesign for leather products implies that the different potentiel environmental impacts of the main material, leather and finished products must be taken into account considering its whole life cycle, apart from the general design criteria (i.e. technical, functional, aesthetic or economic). In this paper, a bag made of leather was taken as a case study. A sustainability assessment methodology, given the major concern on carbon footprint (CF) and environmental risk assessment (ERA), were combined to derive complementaty criteria for the ecodesign of leather products, thus the effect of ecological properties of leather on finished products were analyzed. It was concluded that the key to leather product ecodesign is to choose leather.
Leather's ecological properties directly determine their values of carbon footprint and environmental risk assessment. It was shown that, the process, clean-energy usage and the waste disposal have impacts on carbon footprint. Different countries and processes resulted in great gaps in leather's carbon footprint. Banned azo colorants have the most carcinogenic risk amongst the hazardous compounds used in the leather industry. Thus, the leather is crucial in the process of ecodesign for leather products, the ecological criteria and supplier selection are rigorous.
On the premise of aesthetic design, the perspective provided by the indicators of different nature was balanced to accomplish a fair evaluation. The selection of leather produced under sustainable criteria and the reduction of the materials consumption was recommended, since the area requirements would be minimized and the absence of hazardous compounds would ensure safety conditions during the use stage.Note de contenu : - MATERIALS AND METHODS : Case study - Carbon footprint - Environmental risk assessment
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Inventory data - CF results - ERA - Analysis of ecodesign criteriaEn ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/17H7alEoDS0ZgV9LnNZAoAuSdBcFSJfs_/view?usp=drive [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=22650
in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC) > Vol. 98, N° 6 (11-12/2014) . - p. 275-284[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 16734 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible