Titre : |
High performance coating materials from recycled sources |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Année de publication : |
2017 |
Note générale : |
Bibliogr. |
Langues : |
Américain (ame) |
Catégories : |
Anticorrosifs Anticorrosion Brillance (optique) Copolymères Essais de brouillard salin Formulation (Génie chimique) Métaux -- Revêtements protecteurs Polycarbonates Polyols Produits et matériaux recyclés Revêtements -- Propriétés mécaniques:Peinture -- Propriétés mécaniques
Index. décimale : |
667.9 Revêtements et enduits |
Résumé : |
Environmental, health, and safety concerns continue to drive awareness and interest toward improving the sustainability of materials used in the coatings industry. This is a subset of the larger movement toward becoming better stewards of global resources across all industries and working toward building a circular economy. To that end, this article discusses a nonpetroleum, non-bio resource for producing high performance industrial coatings resins. Alongside, and in harmony with current biobased efforts, Resinate has introduced commercial polyols that are designed to contain high levels of recycled materials. Previous presentations and publications introduced some of the descendants from recycled PET. Resinate now introduces multi-functional materials as base resins or blend additives, which are based on polycarbonate streams. Ultimately, these novel polyols provide a green chemistry alternative to heavy metal corrosion pigments, are nontoxic, can be added during the letdown stage of coating production, and can enhance other coating performance properties. This research compares performance in two separate formulated coating systems, and demonstrates the utility of these materials for metal protective coatings. |
Note de contenu : |
- COATING STUDIES PHASE I - CORROSION CONTROL POLYOL A VALIDATION : Experimental - Film properties - QUV-A performance - Salt spray results
- PHASE II COATING STUDIES - CORROSION CONTROL POLYOL B VS HEAVY METALS : Experimental - Film properties - QUV-A performance - Salt spray results
- FIGURES : 1. Process overview for copolymer systems based on polycarbonate - 2. Cyclic carbonate conversion of BPA - 3. Percent gloss remaining in QUV measured at 60° (initial gloss) - 4. Delta E values from QUV exposure - 5. Scribe creep corrosion (mm) for 520 h B117 salt spray exposure - 6. Combined salt spray ratings for phase I testing - 7. ASTM B117 salt spray panels for RMG polyol B (61) and RMG polyol A + 12.5 % corrosion control polyol A (64) at 922 h exposure - 8. Adhesion and pencil hardness results over CRS for ambient and baked panels - 9. MEK resistance double rub to breakthrough, Konig pendulum hardness, seconds - 10. Gloss (20°) retention percentage for QUV-A of phase II DTM panels (initial gloss) - 11. Gloss -60°) retention percentage for QUV-A of phase II DTM panels (initial gloss) - 12. Delta-E values for phase II panels at 500, 1000 and 2000 h QUV-A - 13. Phase II panels-combined ratings after 984 h B117 salt spray - 14. Combined rust ratings on phase II coatings after scratpe - 15. Base polyol (resinate IMP1000-6.5) series panels, showing post-scrape wet adhesion and underlying corrosion at 984 h B117 salt spray exposure - 16. Scribe creep maximum (mm) after scraping, 984 h B-117
- TABLES : 1. Representative coating formulation phase I - 2. Testing protocols in this study - 3. Representative coating formulations phase II - 4. Performance data for phase II DTM panels - 5. Performance data for phase II primer panels |
En ligne : |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1465r5BRXu7t2CjovIeqmycsUu25Gqu15/view?usp=drive [...] |
Format de la ressource électronique : |
Pdf |
Permalink : |
https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=29441 |
in COATINGS TECH > Vol. 14, N° 10 (10/2017)