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Durable surface functionalisation and pigment coloration of cellulosic fabrics using bioactive additives / Nabil A. Ibrahim in COLORATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 137, N° 6 (12/2021)
Titre : Durable surface functionalisation and pigment coloration of cellulosic fabrics using bioactive additives Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Nabil A. Ibrahim, Auteur ; Enas M. R. El-Zairy, Auteur ; Basma M. Eid, Auteur ; Shimaa S. Abd Allah, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 645-657 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Additifs
Additifs anti rayonnement ultraviolet
Additifs biosourcés
Aloe vera et constituants
Arganier et constituants
Fibres cellulosiques
Gingembre et constituants
Jojoba et constituants
Neem et constituants
Résistance au lavage
Surfaces fonctionnelles
Teinture -- Fibres textiles synthétiquesIndex. décimale : 667.3 Teinture et impression des tissus Résumé : The main goal of this study is to develop a facile eco-friendly method for antibacterial/ultraviolet (UV)-blocking functionalisation using various green bioactive functional additives namely neem, jojoba, argan, aloe vera, ginger, and tulsi. In addition, pigment coloration of cellulosic substrates including cotton, viscose, cotton/viscose, and cotton/linen using pigment colourants and appropriate printing auxiliaries in one step was used. The experimental results revealed that the durability, improvement in the imparted antibacterial/UV-blocking functional properties and enhancement in the depth of the obtained pigment prints followed a decreasing order: tulsi > ginger > aloe vera > argan > jojoba > neem ≫ none, keeping other parameters constant. The obtained data also demonstrated that the developed pigment prints exhibited remarkable functionalities and depth of shade after 15 washing cycles. Moreover, it was observed that improvement in the imparted functional and coloration properties were a function of types of cellulosic substrate and the kind of colourant. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis for selected samples confirmed the surface modification, morphology changes and immobilisation of the used active ingredients onto the treated substrates. Note de contenu : - EXPERIMENTAL : Materials - Methods
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Type and concentration of the natural functional additive - Effect of natural additive type and kind of cellulosic blend - Type of pigment colourant - Durability to wash - CharacterisationDOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/cote.12555 En ligne : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/cote.12555 Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=36794
in COLORATION TECHNOLOGY > Vol. 137, N° 6 (12/2021) . - p. 645-657[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 23068 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Ethylated analogue of Zingerone : A new and eco-respectful preservative in cosmetics / Patricio Guerreiro in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE, Vol. 45, N° 2 (03-04/2023)
Titre : Ethylated analogue of Zingerone : A new and eco-respectful preservative in cosmetics Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Patricio Guerreiro, Auteur ; Sylvie Cupferman, Auteur ; Jacques Lharidon, Auteur ; Roger Rozot, Auteur ; Maria Dalko-Csiba, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : p. 187-197 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Biodégradation
Composés organiques -- Synthèse
Conservateurs (chimie)
Curcuma et constituants
Extraits de plantes:Extraits (pharmacie)
Formulation (Génie chimique)
Gingembre et constituants
Ingrédients cosmétiques
Matériaux bio-inspirés
MicrobiologieIndex. décimale : 668.5 Parfums et cosmétiques Résumé : - Objective : This article describes the eco-design of a new preservative in cosmetics based on bio-inspiration of natural extracts from traditional medicines. In order to reach the multiple specification targets, various structures have been synthesized and evaluated to select the one demonstrating broad antimicrobial spectrum with favorable environmental profile and application potential to a wide variety of formulas.
- Methods : In order to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized structures, the method of the challenge test consisting in an artificial contamination of the sample with collection microbial strains and evaluation of the number of revivable microorganisms was used to select the most promising candidate. Validation of its antimicrobial potential was later confirmed on Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, yeast and mold with measurement of its Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) in comparison with known preservatives. Environmental impact assessment of the selected candidate was achieved with the help of ready biodegradability and aquatic ecotoxicity tests performed according to appropriate Organization tes a strfor Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and European Union (EU) guidelinesy.
- Results : Bio-inspired from turmeric and ginger extracts, an ethylated analog of Zingerone (EZ) with the chemical name 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one demonstrates the strongest activity on Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. Moreover, EZ shows a solubility in water two times higher than that of Zingerone thus increasing its interest as a potential preservative. Finally, its assessment of ready biodegradability and aquatic ecotoxicity in OECD-EU tests with a favorable environmental profile confirms its unique interest and fully justifies its use in cosmetic formulas as an eco-respectful preservative.
- Conclusion : Bio-inspiration based on technologies without noteworthy side effects but also on eco-design, particularly through the use of measures of potential environmental impact very upstream of a development, are two fundamental elements for the launching of new eco-friendly cosmetic ingredients. This approach has thus validated the strong potential of EZ as a preservative of eco-respectful formulas. The selection of EZ is also a very good example of the achievement of two key objectives targeted by cosmetic companies for the development of a novel active ingredient : environmental performance and technical performance.Note de contenu : - MATERIALS AND METHODS : Antimicrobial tests - ENVIRONNEMENTAL tests
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Bio-inspiration : From natural extracts of turmeric and ginger to an eco-designed ethylated analogue of Zingerone (EZ) with antimicrobial activity - Environnemental favourable profile of ethylated analogue of Zingerone (EZ)
Strong potential of an ethylated analogue of Zingerone (EZ), as a preservative with no bacterial cross-resistance to antimicrobials
- Table 1 & 2 : Culture conditions
- Table 3 : Antimicrobial activity of five molecules close to Zingerone structure on five strains
- Table 4 : Results of MIC measurements of EZ on five strains in comparison with preservatives approved by organic standards
- Table 5 : Challenge test results of EZ formulated in a simplex formula (carbopol gel), pH = 5.5DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/ics.12830 En ligne : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xUR5XyuizpfF-kNXwC5ABRBa0UBSl9FL/view?usp=share [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=39169
in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE > Vol. 45, N° 2 (03-04/2023) . - p. 187-197[article]Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Le gingembre : production et analyse / P. Pellerin in PARFUMS COSMETIQUES AROMES, N° 117 (06-07/94)
Titre : Le gingembre : production et analyse Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : P. Pellerin, Auteur Année de publication : 1994 Article en page(s) : p. 70-73 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Composés aromatiques
Dioxyde de carbone
Extraits de plantes:Extraits (pharmacie)
Fluides supercritiques
Gingembre et constituants
Huiles essentielles
Solvants organiquesIndex. décimale : 668.5 Parfums et cosmétiques Résumé : Le gingembre est utilisé sous forme de rhizome ou d'extraits présentant des caractéristiques organoleptiques spécifiques selon la technique employée : entraînement à la vapeur d'eau, percolation au solvant, extraction par pression à froid ou par le CO2 supercritique. Note de contenu : - L'EPICE : RHIZOME OU EXTRAITS : Utilisation - Origines géographiques et caractéristiques spécifiques - Production mondiale - Une longue histoire
- QUATRE TYPES D'EXTRAITS : L'huile essentielle - Les oléorésines - Les extraits par le CO2 supercritique - Les extraits par pression à froid
- COMPOSITION ET ANALYSE DE L'EPICE ET DE SES EXTRAITS : Analyse des différents types d'extraits
- Tableau 1 : Exportations indiennes de gingembre en t/an
- Tableau 2 : L'histoire du gingembre
- Tableau 3 : Composition standard du gingembre séché (pour 100 g)
- Tableau 4 : Composition de l'huile essentielle de gingembre (composés principaux)
- COMPOSITION ET ANALYSE DE L’ÉPICE ET DE SES EXTRAITS : Analyse des différents types d'extraitsPermalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=19683
in PARFUMS COSMETIQUES AROMES > N° 117 (06-07/94) . - p. 70-73[article]Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 002593 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Exclu du prêt The effect of rue (Ruta graveolens) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts as antifouling agents in silicone matrix coatings / Ariane V. Zmozinski in JOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH, Vol. 18, N° 4 (07/2021)
Titre : The effect of rue (Ruta graveolens) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts as antifouling agents in silicone matrix coatings Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ariane V. Zmozinski, Auteur ; Rafael S. Peres, Auteur ; Flávia Roberta Brust, Auteur ; Alexandre José Macedo, Auteur ; Emilene Mendes Becker, Auteur ; Amanda Pasinato Napp, Auteur ; Henrique Alves de Brito, Auteur ; Marilene H. Vainstein, Auteur ; Augusto Schrank, Auteur ; Carlos Arthur Ferreira, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : p. 1013-1025 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Analyse électrochimique
Essais (technologie)
Extraits de plantes
Gingembre et constituants
Revêtements antisalissures:Peinture antisalissures
Revêtements organiques
Rue (plante) et constituants
SiliconesLes silicones, ou polysiloxanes, sont des composés inorganiques formés d'une chaine silicium-oxygène (...-Si-O-Si-O-Si-O-...) sur laquelle des groupes se fixent, sur les atomes de silicium. Certains groupes organiques peuvent être utilisés pour relier entre elles plusieurs de ces chaines (...-Si-O-...). Le type le plus courant est le poly(diméthylsiloxane) linéaire ou PDMS. Le second groupe en importance de matériaux en silicone est celui des résines de silicone, formées par des oligosiloxanes ramifiés ou en forme de cage (wiki).Index. décimale : 667.9 Revêtements et enduits Résumé : The use of rue extract and ginger oleoresin as natural antifouling agents in a silicone matrix was verified in this work. 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) analysis identified a series of compounds with bactericidal properties in the two investigated natural products. Thermogravimetric analyses showed that the addition of rue extract and ginger oleoresin in the silicone matrix increased the thermal stability of the formed films. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis showed that the presence of both antifouling agents increases the velocity of water diffusion into the film, improving contact between marine water and the two products. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirms that both antifouling agents were trapped inside the silicone matrix. Bacterial adhesion tests showed that rue extract reduced the adhesion of gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, while ginger oleoresin did not show any significant effect. Optical microscopy images demonstrated that the presence of rue extract slightly increased the film’s porosity without impairing the silicone hydrophobicity, while ginger oleoresin significantly altered the film's morphology (reducing the water contact angle). Finally, the sample containing rue extract showed excellent results against marine fouling after 6 months of immersion in a real marine environment. The polymer containing ginger oleoresin showed satisfactory results against marine fouling ; however, the film showed adhesion failures after 6 months. Note de contenu : - EXPERIMENTAL : Materials - Preparation of rue extract - Preparation of silicone coatings - Marine fouling tests - Electrochemical tests - In vitro bacterial adhesion test - Characterization
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Chemical characterization - TGA - Electrochemical analysis - Surface characterization - Bacterial adhesion - Antifouling tests
- Table 1 : Samples composition
- Table 2 : TGA and DTG data from the RUTA and GEN samples
- Table 3 : Transport parameters obtained for blank, GEN, and RUTA samplesDOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11998-021-00454-w En ligne : https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11998-020-00454-w.pdf Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : https://e-campus.itech.fr/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=36209
in JOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH > Vol. 18, N° 4 (07/2021) . - p. 1013-1025[article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22969 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible