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Auteur David G. Bailey |
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Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of vegetable tanning waste / Michael H. Tunick in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXX (Année 1985)
Titre : Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of vegetable tanning waste Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Michael H. Tunick, Auteur ; David G. Bailey, Auteur ; Joanna H. Moore, Auteur ; Joseph E. Cooper, Auteur Année de publication : 1985 Article en page(s) : p. 101-105 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Index. décimale : 675.2 Préparation du cuir naturel. Tannage Résumé : Vegetable tanning waste can be treated effectively on a laboratory scale by a combination of an anaerobic contact reactor followed by a complete-mix aerobic reactor. The 28.7 liter anaerobic reactor is constantly stirred and maintened at 37°C. A settling tank follows to permit sludge recycling. The aerobic reactor contains 22.6 liters of microorganisms, which are suspended by the flow of air. Waste aerobic sludge is recycled back to the anaerobic reactor for digestion.
With a hydraulic retention time of 58 hr. and a loading of 2.5-5.0 g TCOD/day, an average TCDO removal of 90 percent was obtained (corrected for S). The anaerobes produced an average of 0.161 liters CH4/g TCOD removed. The CH4 can potentially be recovered and used to maintain the temperature of the anaerobic reactor.Permalink : [article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 008085 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Anatomy of halophile induced damage to brine cured cattle hides / Russell H. Vreeland in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCIII, N° 4 (04/1998)
Titre : Anatomy of halophile induced damage to brine cured cattle hides Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Russell H. Vreeland, Auteur ; David G. Bailey, Auteur ; Sharon Angelini, Auteur Année de publication : 1998 Article en page(s) : p. 121-131 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : In 1995 the United States exported over 20 million cattle hides with a market value of at least $1.4 billion dollars US. More than 70% of these hides are currently brine cured. The remainder are exported following chrome tanning as "wet blue stock". Brine curing has been an effective method for the preservation of hides for centuries. The process works well due to the fact that most degradative microorganisms are unable to survive the high concentrations of salt and the resultant low water activity present in the cured hide. Brine curing of hides does not, however, protect them from attack by halophilic bacteria. Extensive growth of these highly pigmented bacteria makes them readily visible to the naked eye. This condition is known industrially as 'red heat". It has long been believed by most hide processors, and tanners, that the presence of red heat indicates potential grain damage to the hide. Damage to the grain layer results in defective leather and significant financial loss to the industry. Note de contenu : - MATERIALS AND METHODS : Incubation of the hides with halophiles - Electron imaging
- RESULTS : Attachment experiments - Gross evaluation of incubated brine cured hide samples - Sem evaluation of the infected hide samplesEn ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : [article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 006964 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Cattlehide preservation with sodium sulfite and acetic acid / David G. Bailey in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXII (Année 1977)
Titre : Cattlehide preservation with sodium sulfite and acetic acid Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : David G. Bailey, Auteur ; William J. Hopkins, Auteur Année de publication : 1977 Article en page(s) : p. 334-339 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Catégories : Acétique, Acide L'acide acétique (du latin acetum) ou acide éthanoïque est un acide carboxylique de formule chimique : C2H4O2 ou CH3COOH.
L'acide acétique pur est aussi connu sous le nom d'acide acétique glacial. C'est un des plus simples des acides carboxyliques. Son acidité vient de sa capacité à perdre le proton de sa fonction carboxylique, le transformant ainsi en ion acétate CH3COO-. C'est un acide faible.
L'acide acétique pur est un liquide très faiblement conducteur, incolore, inflammable et hygroscopique. Il est naturellement présent dans le vinaigre, il lui donne son goût acide et son odeur piquante (détectable à partir de 1 ppm21).
C'est un antiseptique et un désinfectant.
L'acide acétique est corrosif et ses vapeurs sont irritantes pour le nez et les yeux.
Il doit être manipulé avec soin. Quoi qu'il n'ait pas été jugé cancérigène ou dangereux pour l'environnement, il peut causer des brûlures ainsi que des dommages permanents à la bouche, au nez, à la gorge et aux poumons. À certaines doses et en co-exposition chronique avec un produit cancérigène, son caractère irritant en fait un promoteur tumoral de tumeurs (bénignes et malignes)21. Ceci a été démontré expérimentalement chez le rat.
Croûte (cuir)On entend par "cuir en croûte" des cuirs ayant subi les opérations jusqu'au tannage, à l'exclusion de toute opération de corroyage ou de finissage, mais qui, par opposition aux wet-blue ont été séchés.
Cuirs et peaux -- Conservation
Cuirs et peaux de bovins
Qualité -- Contrôle
sulfite de sodiumIndex. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : A practical nonsalt method of cattlehide preservation is needed to reduce the dissolved solids content of tannery effluents. A method has been developed which utilizes a combination of sodium sulfite and acetic acid as a replacement for salt curing. This treatment has been tested on whole hides with excellent results under several different industrial conditions. The results demonstrate that the sulfite/acetic acid preservation can be used for short term preservation, either for direct processing or as a holding treatment prior to brine curing. Its full potential as a long-term preservation method remains to be tested. Note de contenu : - Table 1 : Result of quality evaluation for crust shoe lining leather
- Table 2 : Preservation of experimental hide pieces by solid sodium bisulfite (2 %)En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : [article]Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 008511 - Périodique Archives Documentaires Exclu du prêt Deliming of un-bonded and bonded lime from white hide / Karel Kolomaznik in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CII, N° 5 (05/2007)
Titre : Deliming of un-bonded and bonded lime from white hide Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Karel Kolomaznik, Auteur ; David G. Bailey, Auteur ; Maryann M. Taylor, Auteur Année de publication : 2007 Article en page(s) : p. 158-163 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : Within the optimization of the white hide deliming operation, both plain washing with pure water and chemical processing are concerned. Generally, white hide contains both non-bonded and variously strongly bonded lime. The processing costs of the deliming of non-bonded lime are relatively low, but with decreasing concentration of lime in hide they go up, because the strength of the lime bond increases. In a certain stage of the deliming process, the processing costs begin to increase extremely and in this point it is suitable to interrupt the washing with pure water and replace it with a deliming agent. Our paper, with the use of a mathematical-physical process model, gives the answer to when the interruption should be done. Experimental determinations of sorption isotherm, as well as the effective diffusion coefficients are presented. The above mentioned parameters, economical and technological serve as input data for a computer program. En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : [article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 007406 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Design of a capillary viscometer for assay or collagenase activity by "continuous" observation of the hydrolysis of a soluble collagen with a time of flight flowmeter / Samuel M. Mozersky in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXXI, N° 10 (10/1996)
Titre : Design of a capillary viscometer for assay or collagenase activity by "continuous" observation of the hydrolysis of a soluble collagen with a time of flight flowmeter Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Samuel M. Mozersky, Auteur ; David G. Bailey, Auteur Année de publication : 1996 Article en page(s) : p. 263-269 Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Américain (ame) Index. décimale : 675 Technologie du cuir et de la fourrure Résumé : The design of a capillary viscometer for semi automated assay of collagenase activity is described. The rate of flow of a solution of a soluble derivative of collagen undergoing hydrolysis by the collagenase is measured "continuously" by an electronic flow meter. Since the reciprocal of the flow-rate is proportional to the viscosity and the latter is a (double exponential decay) function of the collagenase concentration (as well as of time), collagenase concentration can be determined from the flowrate at a given incubation time. The data are collected automatically, stored in a computer, and analyzed at the analyst's convenience. The viscometer is suitable for use in research laboratories investigating damage to hides (and therefore to leather) caused by bacterial digestion of collagen. En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : Permalink : [article]Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 006948 - Périodique Bibliothèque principale Documentaires Disponible Development of a control algorithm for the optimized soaking of cured hides / Karel Kolomaznik in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. CI, N° 9 (09/2006)
PermalinkElectron beam irradiation of fresh hides, salted hides and leather. Microbial control and effect on physical properties / David G. Bailey in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXIII (Année 1988)
PermalinkElectron beam irradiation preservation of cattle hides in a commercial-scale demonstration / David G. Bailey in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCVI, N° 10 (10/2001)
PermalinkEnzymatic treatment of offal from fleshing machines / M. M. Taylor in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXIV (Année 1989)
PermalinkEvaluation of urea sulfate as a replacement for sulfuric acid in chrome tanning / Andrew G. Gehring in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCVI, N° 7 (07/2001)
PermalinkEvaluation of urea sulfate as a substitute for formic acid in the retan, color, and fatliquor process / Andrew G. Gehring in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCVI, N° 9 (09/2001)
PermalinkExamination of crust leather for residuals from a potential hide preservative / David G. Bailey in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXVI, N° 5 (05/1991)
PermalinkGamma radiation preservation of cattle hides. A new twist on an old story / David G. Bailey in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCIV, N° 7 (09/1999)
PermalinkHalophilic bacteria isolated from brine cured cattle hides / Meral Birbir in JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS & CHEMISTS (JSLTC), Vol. 80, N° 3 (05-06/1996)
PermalinkHide powder azure and azocoll as substrates for assay of the proteolytic activity of bate / Samuel M. Mozersky in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXVII, N° 8 (08/1992)
PermalinkHide puller damage and the vertical fiber defect / A. L. Everett in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXIII (Année 1978)
PermalinkImproved hide quality and rapid unhairing / Andrew G. Gehring in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XCVII, N° 9 (09/2002)
PermalinkMeasurement of collagenase activity in the tannery and in the laboratory I. the assay medium / S. M. Mozersky in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXX, N° 12 (12/1995)
PermalinkMeasurement of the proteolytic activity of bate in drum liquor / Samuel M. Mozersky in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. LXXXVIII, N° 8 (08/1993)
PermalinkModeling wet processing systems and technologies / James N. Trapp in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION (JALCA), Vol. XXVII (Année 1982)